Coffee illustrator
Coffee illustrator

coffee illustrator

Draw a 230 x 40 px dark-brown rectangle and place it as shown below. Do the same for the opposite anchor point, but this time put a negative value to move it in the opposite direction. The Move window will pop up and from here set the Horizontal value to 25 px, Vertical to 0 px and click OK. Select the bottom left anchor point using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and press the Enter key of your keyboard. Let’s make the bottom part of the cup narrower. Take the Rectangle Tool (M) and let’s start with the paper coffee cup. This helps to keep all the objects neat and to locate things faster during the project.

coffee illustrator

Here I’m using a 600 x 600 px purple shape made with the Rectangle Tool (M) as a background, covering the entire Artboard.Īnother thing I prefer to do from the very beginning is to organise my Layers panel in a proper way so that everything is grouped and named nicely. Remember to set the Fill color to None in the Color panel if you also want to scribble something as a base for your illustration. Most often, I start my work from a very rough sketch made in Adobe Illustrator with the help of the Pencil Tool (N).

  • Topics Covered: Pathfinder Panel, Align Panel, Move Tool, Offset Path, Shape Builder Tool, Pencil Toolįinal Image: Coffee and Donut Vector Step 1.
  • coffee illustrator

    Without further ado, let’s get started with our coffee and doughnut vector! Tutorial Details What is more, we’ll get to know some of the most useful tools of Adobe Illustrator that will help you to create any shape or form for your future designs and illustrations. We’ll be using some basic geometric shapes that allow us to achieve a simple yet trendy flat style. In this tutorial we’re doing to depict a delicious combo and by that I mean a cup of hot coffee and a sweet frosted donut.

    Coffee illustrator